Faux Fu

Monday, June 03, 2024

Look Out Debunkers!

Oh man...

If there are any sensible ones still out there, and, yes, I believe there are, selfishingly, I am counting myself amongst them, sorry to say that we all have a new full-time job. Add it to the list of all our other full-time jobs. I know, I sympathize, that's too much full-time for a sensible person. But, you know, Fuck, I mean, Working Stiffs Unite!

 What is that job I speak of? "Debunker:" - "a person or organization that exposes or discredits claims believed to be false, exaggerated, or pretentious."

Look Out Debunkers! 

There is a mountain of Bullshit, a raging river of lies, a fire-hose of disinformation blasting at us 24/7. Here in our beautiful land, the mighty USA, the main source of major-grade, USDA-choice B.S. comes from the whining MAGA-King and his sniveling apologists, which is led by that teetering criminal organization, the Republican Party. It's a fabulously corrupt political party, that has sold it's soul, integrity & self-respect to the newly-felonious MAGA-King. The GOP is stuffed with truth-challenged lackeys, boot-lickers & lying liars. Yikes.

So, it's not fun, like hula hoops, but the latest craze is to wade thru all the bullshit and lies, and do the meticulous work of debunking. Of course, the purveryors of disinfo have the advantage. It is so simple and easy to float the lie, big, little, in-between, and so much more involved to examine it, and fucking tear it to pieces. But you know, it is a job that must be done. Debunking, it truly is the necessary work.

Clairty. Truth. Clear-thinking! We need more of it. Debunkers, let's get to it!

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