Faux Fu

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Desecrating Military Graves = Craven...

What do Fascists do? They bully, and try to intimidate people to win power. We are watching our own particular brand of homegrown, American Fascism on display this election season. I mean, we have seen this show before, we can't turn it off, anyone remember the MAGA attempted coup? But now it's even more wacked out, unhinged, and totally untethered from reality.

So maybe you are a rotund, very unhealthy rich guy, who has had a checkered past, you know, lots of bankruptcies, and felony convictions, and judgements against, in courts of law for fraud & sexual abuse. Pretty much a scoundrel, a toxic fool, who has a rabid, violent-leaning tribe behind him. Typical Fascist shite.

How low can one go? Turns out we are in the desecrating of Military graves at Arlington Cemetary phase of low-grade behaviour. You know, this a guy who disparages folks who have served in the military as "suckers & losers." A rich boy who famously evaded the draft because of bone spurs.  A total phony. I kid you not. It is amazing this person hasn't been hounded out of public life long ago. Haul out your favorite descriptors: disgusting, craven, mind-boggling, pathetic, etc.

The backlash to this recent campaign stunt is brewing: "Donald Trump has no right to use our most hallowed ground for his political aims," Fred Wellman, a 22-year Army combat veteran, said Wednesday. "For a lot of us, and I'm not the only one, people are aptly furious."

What's that famous question? "Have you no sense of decency?" Obviously, that just rolls off this bully's back. What is a civilized population to do? We must defeat this particular toxic, Fascist shite at the ballot box. One vote at a time.

P.S. - Super-early in the morning here. I am typing into this Chromebook in a dark kitchen. Listening to Joe Strummer and The Clash's "London Calling." (1979). Yes. It's a masterwork. A superb anti-fascist soundtrack. Still matters. Maybe more than ever...

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