Faux Fu

Monday, August 26, 2024

A Perfectly Satisfied Laziness...

Post-farm (see previous post)

The best day's after are when, the previous evening, you had a great r&r show. You know, a show where you became one with the moment to moment of performance, and you were able to transcend. It's like flying, your spirit is flying in a vast, unbroken, blue sky. Even if you went to sleep late, and woke up early, you feel alive, energized, satisfied and fulfilled. Best feeling in the world. 

The worst day's after, are when the show was bad; miscues, kerfuffles, bad sound, bad weather, broken strings, false-starts. If you went to sleep late, and woke up early, you feel bad enough, but the residue, the people-hangover, the hollow feeling of loss, the missed opportunity of transcending, the hard reality of a bad outing is the worst feeling in the world.

Yesterday was a "best feeling in the world day." Riding the vibe of a great, well-performed and well-received show.  Yesterday was a hot, sultry Sunday. We rested & relaxed. Feeling happy & fulfilled. It was music on the box all day: Robert Plant, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Steely Dan, Pearl Jam. We had a pool party. Staying at a fabulous mansion on the lakefront with a luxurious backyard with a glittering swimming pool. A sanctuary, a secret garden. We sank into unimaginable luxury as if we owned it all, and yes, like we deserved it too. Yes. Really. It was that kind of day. We ordered in Thai food for a late lunch. Sipped cold, non-alchoholic drinks. It was just the best of the best. Post-farm. Post-show. A day that glowed. One of those lazy, hazy, good kind of crazy days. Not a worry in the world. A perfectly satisfied laziness...

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