Sunday, June 30, 2024

Liberation & Responsibility...

I think I became a full, well-rounded thinking Human Being, when I realized that "No one is in charge." That idea floated into my head early on in my formative years. I trace it back to Catholic Grade School. It was a bit of a scary, and clarifying, insight. All the talk of Jesus and God seemed like a bunch of off-target mumbo-jumbo. And the folks who claimed to be in charge, the ones who pretended to have their shit together, those with positions of power and authority, seemed like very uncool, unhip, scared & hollow Human Beings living a lie.

Early on I stumbled into somehow seeing things very clearly. Society, Civilization, these hierarchies were elaborate charades. This didn't make my life easier, it actually made it more complicated and alienating. I think in my early years I was just a gnarly, pissed off little kid. You probably couldn't tell. I smiled alot, and deflected. I had the appearance of a happy-go-lucky soul. I often tried to be invisible. Chasing my own little dreams and obsessions.

It wasn't until much later, when I discovered Meditation in it's various forms, that my inner being transformed. The result, a knowledge that there was no need of Authority. The key to living was a "be here now," practice and discipline. I experienced moments of deep connection, and transformation. It was these deep in the bone feelings and experiences that blew open the doors of perception.

It might sound grand, and over-blown. Nope. Not really. These were tiny explosions, that blew holes in the fabric of my life,  but those holes, those openings made all the difference. They turned out to be passage-ways to an engaging and fulfilling way to live. Dare I say it, "enlightening." Yes. It became clear, No one is in Charge. We are all just tricky, complicated monkeys, pretending to know more than we really know, trying to navigate thru this sometimes caressing and sometimes harrassing Universe. And that's OK. It's a an enlightening, clarifying, soul-enriching knowledge. Who we are and what we do is really up to us. We are super-limited and super-capable too. Our lives really are in our own hands. It's a beautiful insight, a total liberation, and an awesome, overwhelming, fucking responsibility.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Gish Gallop is a Slippery Pig of A Concept...

A concept that just reared it's head explains a certain rethorical method employed (probably unconsciously),  by a fatuous, famously-slimy,  unfit-creep, toxic-felon, racist-fascist, obscene and obese man running for President: The Gish Gallop:

"During a Gish gallop, a debater confronts an opponent with a rapid series of specious arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies in a short space of time, which makes it impossible for the opponent to refute all of them within the format of a formal debate.[2] Each point raised by the Gish galloper takes considerably more time to refute or fact-check than it did to state in the first place, which is known online as Brandolini's law. The technique wastes an opponent's time and may cast doubt on the opponent's debating ability for an audience unfamiliar with the technique, especially if no independent fact-checking is involved or if the audience has limited knowledge of the topics."

Honest Joe fumbled the night. But you know, standing on stage with that corpulent pig, is decidedly a no-win situation. Joe glitched, and looked all of his 81 years, but he is an accomplished politician, a very successful advocate for a better America. None of that disappeared. Of course, I am still voting for Joe, the alternate is not at all possible. Voting for Joe the man is really voting for a record of accomplishment, a wide range of good policies, a platform, a deep, hard-earned honesty and decency.  I will be voting for a healthy Democracy. Hell, everything rides on this upcoming election. I am with the decent, deeply Human Old Guy. No question, no doubt.

BTW - From my favorite ex-President Barack Obama: "Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November."

Dare I say it? EXACTLY!!!!

Friday, June 28, 2024

TV Rots the Brain...

Yes. A long-time political junkie here. I did not watch the Presidential debate last night. I suspected it was going to be a total shit-show, and from what I hear I was absolutely correct. It never really is a debate. Usually a kind of political puppet-show. Sounds like it was a really bad, brain-numbing clusterfuck of a TV show. Oddly, most newsy, live in the moment TV shows, I mean especially all those furiously-annoying, political blabber-fests on cable TV, the 24/7 toxic-bilge-spewing-networks, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, are fucking constantly-unfolding and ever-repeating car-crashes. Insight and intelligence are murdered there. Political Pundits are a plague and pestilence on the land. There is something about TV and the talking heads that just turns everything into stupid-land. I do think TV rots your brain. Marshall Mcluhan pointed out: "The Medium is the Message."  TV is the medium, and message is TV-Eye renders everything into mush: trashy, hollow, slickly-packaged, skull-fucking, spectacle. It is a weird phenomena. Supposedly Honest Joe's stutter came back, he was halting and rambling, but still honest, with a real record of accomplishment. The other guy was a furious, shit-fountain of over the top B.S. & lies. Big, forceful, exuberant toxic, unhinged madness. Truth does not reside in that toxic clown's brain. So on-brand. Expect lots of huffing & puffing, hurly-burly, and chattering madness post-debate. Of course, Democracy hangs in the balance. Fuck. Yikes.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

And then, the Inverse too...

I suppose the inverse is true too (see previous post). The Incremental Bad can roll out in your day to day, threaded in everything you do and think, and turn out to be determinative & definitive in the demeanor, tempo, and temper, of your Life. It's a long twisty, narrative of tiny mis-steps, decidedly bad choices, deeply wrong turns, sadly missed appointments & opportunities, scary unhealthy habits, strangely unsuitable role models, deep-tunnel-thinking. One day you wake up and find that you are living in a van down by the river. You look out on the shabby, dusty, dirty boulevard and wonder: "WTF happened?!" The road to perdition...

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Incremental Good...

I heard this phrase the other day: The Incremental Good. 

It came up in a conversation about someone who couldn't see, appreciate, or understand the concept at all. Instead, this person was all in on an all or nothing reality. This is someone who is down, in pain, in the dumps, flailing, unhappy, pissed off at the world, and totally stuck in the mire of bleakness and cynicism; they can't imagine taking steps to remedy their situation, unless everything suddenly, miraculously changed in an instant. Big, improbable wins. Miracles.

Dare I say it? Not a very good or healhty approach to Life.

The Incremental Good. Of course. When I heard the phrase it was like an explosion in my head. I thought, "This is the key to a good Life." 

Our lives are filled with tiny steps forward, strange, uncommon discoveries, good habits in thought & action, the smiles, the laughter, the kind words, the tiny victories, the shimmering, fleeting insights, the small actions that add up over time. Incrementally.

This approach leads you to new tasks, thoughts, break-thrus. Healthy obsessions. One day you wake up and strangely everything is somehow different. It's you. Your perception of yourself and the world around you. Incrementally good, in a good way. Yes, indeed, that's the ticket.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

You Can't Tell Anyone Anything...

You can't tell anyone anything. 

That's a major lesson right there. I know, I was that person too. No matter what anyone said, any advice they offered up, I always treated it like a stinky sock. I was having none of it. 

I am not that person now. I have learned to listen. To everyone. I lend them my ears and attention. I really do. I am pretty interested in hearing folks out. Finding out where they are coming from. It's pretty entertaining, and sometimes surprising.

Still, I am super-good at tuning out the Idiots, and the Crazy Ones. Not a good use of time. I can spot them from a mile away. My radar is quite good. They are time-wasters,  they should be avoided at all costs, it's not a good idea to waste time. Time truly is precious.

So, yeah, I am super-selective about where I get my info, and news, and who I hang out with. I keep my trusted friends and confidantes close, and I protect myself from the madding hordes. I am happy to listen to, and to entertain, other ideas, opinions, & thoughts. I can listen to and take in new advice. I am willing try on new thoughts & ideas and put them into action. It has been a beneficial way forward. I think it's just a healthy way to live.

I think of that Grateful Dead lyric: "Take what you need, and you leave the rest..."

I don't spend a lot time dispensing advice, ok, maybe I that do here in this little blog-space. I let it flow out of the top of my head here. But, I have no illusions, I know that YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE ANYTHING...

Monday, June 24, 2024

Can't Argue with Pathology...

Ha. Don't waste your breath or brain cells arguing with the Crazy Ones. It's easy to spot them. They do lots of loud talking, they are happy to club you with their opinions on everything, especially the things they know nothing about. They seem to have multiplied at an astonishing rate. Funny to realize that the Crazy Ones are legion in all walks of Life. 

The Crazy Ones are also often the Stupid Ones, but not always. Seemingly very successful, accomplished Humans are also totally fucking bat-shit Crazy. Unhinged & untethered from reality. 

If you do engage these folks, you are truly, madly deeply lost too. It's a no-win situation. How to explain it? Human Beings have always had a tentative grasp on Truth, Reality, Common Sense.  As the saying goes "Rationality is just another mask we wear."

So lots of chatter, huffing & puffing, back & forth arguments about the most ridiculous things. Madness. That is the social/political/cultural context of our present circumstances.  What is the best way forward?

It is super-easy to get swept up in the Madness. Just know that often you are arguing with a seriously sick mind, you are arguing with Pathology.

Am I Crazy too? Maybe a little bit. Everyone has to manage their own little madnesses. You know, it's hard to know. Best idea: Keep your feet on the ground. Be humble. Know that often you don't know. Be careful who you spend your time with. Trust, but Verify. Logic, Rationality, Common Sense, Humility, Humor. Be willing to admit when you are wrong, and be willing to change, to learn new things. Face the Facts if they rear their ugly heads. Use  the Scientific Method, it has been a fruitful field, observe and experiment, knowing that your perception may be flawed, and your experiment may be badly-conceived. It's also a pretty inefficient way to conduct a Life. Oh well, that's Life.

Know that all knowledge is tentative, temporary, often arbitrary. Be open and willing to adjust, morph, evolve. Lean to the Light. Luxuriate in Music, Dance, Poetry, Drama, Song. What about Religion? Tread carefully. The best lessons from the major Religions are simple and grand: Love, Forgiveness. Responsibility. Beyond that most Religions quickly devolve into absurdities. 

These are the realms where you find "Poetic Truths."  Reality & Poetry. Yes. These tools are out of favor at the present moment, "People just want to believe what they want to believe." Yes. Little Mad Babies. Know also that all these tools for a more realistic, truth-seeking vision are double-edged swords. They can help you thrive and also send you deep into dark rabbit holes. Be cautious in the midst of the herd. Be willing to stand alone, silent, disciplined, clear-eyed. Always seeking clarity. It's a Crazy World out there. Keep your head, and keep your eyes peeled. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Discovering Your Limits...

Sure people are disappointing. Present company included. Life. It really is about discovering your limits, and living with them and thru them. It doesn't have to be depressing. You find out that you are, and you possess, a very unique instrument and energy. Much of your life is discovering what makes you tick. I think the trick is to use your instrument and energy to the max. Actualize yourself in the world. Without being an asshole. You are just a part of a much bigger, cosmic energy, unique, just like everything else is unique. It's a weird math for sure. You find out that your limits can be your strengths. Ha. Funny, that. Addition via subtraction. Or something like that.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Way of the Way...

 Yes. There is that great line from that famous Pogo comic strip: "Yep son, we have met the enemy and he is us."

From the mouth of comic strip characters, comes the deepest insight & wisdom. It's that kind of Universe. We are constantly bumping up against the "Unreliable Narrators" in our midst. Lots of kerfluffle, hurly-burly, toil & trouble, bad blood,  and deep in the bone ignnorance.  Hard to find a breath of fresh air in the middle of all this madness.

We can try anyway. Yes. No doubt. Clarity. Silence. Discipline. Sticking with the Poets, the Singers, the Dancers, the Dreamers. Sure, they can let you down too. You may find that you, yourself, are your own greatest saboteuer & enemy. That's a useful insight. It's the way of the way. Damn the torpedoes.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Always the Next Big Thing...

What's my Next Big Thing?

Funny. Someone pointed out I have tendency to discover the world, one day at a time. Like I've never been here before. I often jump from one Next Big Thing to the Next Big Thing, I mean, I do it all the time. It could be something mundane like frozen yogurt, or oatmeal, or Timberland Boots, or snazzily interesting and theraputic like KT Tape, or entertaining and sonically head-opening like Open-Backed Headphones.

I often exclaim: "Changed my Life."

Yep. That's a lot of life-changing for one life. I mean, I know it's sort of ridiculous. But at the same time it's a sort of "hopeful," naive & innocent way to approach a Life. Maybe the Next Big Thing really will change everything for me? And, well, if not, if it turns out that this latest Next Big Thing is really off-track, a dud, a rabbit hole, or a cul de sac, maybe the Next Big Thing after that one really will be The Next Really Big Thing?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Waves of B.S. & Nonsense...

"Modern Times." That sounds so old world. Chaplin had "a part-talkie comedy film" titled "Modern Times." (1936). The Little Tramp "struggles to survive in the industrialized, modern world."

Amen, Brother.

I suppose we are in some post-post-post version of some weirdly-imagined post-modern dystopia. We seem to be stuck in the always, of the moment, 24/7 strangely, weirdly, exhausting now.

Did anyone warn us that we would need to swim thru massive waves of never-ending bullshit and nonsense every damn day? How many assholes can flower in the fields of shite?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Doing the Hard Things Without Getting Hardened...

Ah... well... climate catastrophe, (see previous post), lots of huffing & puffing, but finally, when the smoke clears, all one can offer as a concerned citizen is a meek: " Let's Hope for the Best." 

Sure. Seems lame, but it's pretty much all I got.

And, well, I was reminded again yesterday that I am a member of a very tricky, complicated Species. We think we are the Smart Monkeys, but, you know, those "smarts" are pretty limited, and often we act contrary to logic, reason, and good intent.

Are we fundamentally flawed? Well, I guess it depends on how you look at it. I think we are pretty much bound by our limited brain-power, and we are roiling oceans of emotion and madness. We are fundamentally HUMAN, and that's a precarious thing to be. Some of us lean to the light, and some of us enthusiastically embrace the darkness.

Somehow, sometimes, the "best of us," can rise above our humble circumstances and try our best to live righteously with heart, love, verve and grace.  

That's something worth celebrating, aspiring to. Those are the Humans I look to for inspiration. You know, within limits. Not saying it's easy to do. It's hard. Life is hard. Getting by is hard. Being Truthful to Life and Love is hard. Not giving up, not throwing in the towel, not becoming bitter or cynical is hard too.

Doing the hard things without getting hardened. Aye there's the rub...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


I kind of hate to write this one...

Heat. Right. It is a killer. We all have to try to manage it, and learn how to live with it. We Human Beings should be looking in the mirror, and asking ourselves: "What have we done?"

We have entered a new phase in Human Civilization: Human-made Climate Catastrophe. There is no way of spinning it, or avoiding it. Some folks have been sending out the alarms since the early 70's of the last Century, but really, no one really seemed to be listening. Seems many of us didn't like what the Scientists, the Poets, the Songwriters, the Environmentalists were telling us, so we by and large tuned them out, kept burning fossils fuels and emitting toxic shite into the air. 

To this day we keep throwing Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere making our planet hot. Super-hot.  There is no Deus Ex Machina coming down from the heavens to save our asses. That job was left up to us. We have pretty much failed miserably. Now we are all suffering the consequences. We are making our little Blue Planet uninhabitable. Not very smart. Easy to find the culprits: over-population, industrialization, capitalism, choosing money over love.

What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? I mean, most of these personal actions are pretty pointless. Maybe they make us feel a bit better about ourselves, but really, in the Big Picture, pretty useless.

Still the idea is to try to make it, so: Be careful. Hydrate. Find a cool spot. Remember to consume Electrolytes. Stick to the shade. 

I know all of this sounds paltry, ineffective, maybe even off target but personally we do a few things we think are essential for us as Human Beings who do care: we don't eat meat, we don't own a car, we rarely ever fly anywhere. But we are plugged into the culture. No way to extricate ourselves.

Personal, singular efforts seem pretty futile. Can we, as John Lennon, asserts "Imagine," another world? Another way of being in it? Sure. We can imagine Human Beings acting as the caretakers of the interconnected web of life, acting in the interests of all living beings, acting with good will and intent. Acting collectively for the benefit of all life. But how to "make that happen" in our contentious, fractured reality, on a global scale? Beats me.

We live in the Belly of the Beast. And the Beast is relentlessly altering the wonderful, life-supporting, interconnected web that has birthed us and all the other pretty creatures too.  Not good.  Too hot to handle.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Lessons: Learning & Forgetting...

Life Lessons. 

Funny how you seem to learn the same lessons over and over. Learning and Forgetting. Maybe that is a sign of basic ignorance? Knowing that you don't know is the first sign of intelligence. Some lessons you just don't seem to want to get thru your thick head. Why? There is the power & glory of a determined denial. 

One basic lesson: The Primacy of the Body. I do believe we are all "spiritual beings," and  that spirit resides, and bubbles out from a very here and now body, made up of cells, organs, flesh and bone. You have to learn the limits of a body. Sometimes you forget your limits, you take that body for granted, and that can be catastrophic.

Another basic lesson: We are One Catastrophe from Catastrophe. Hard to get around this one. Hard to plan for Catastrophe. Often, maybe even usually, this Catatrophic Event will come out of left field, and confront you when you least expect it. You know it's Catastrophe that you can't foresee, or predict. You just don't see it coming, until it smacks you upside the head. It can be a major Catastrophe, or a tiny one. Sometimes the tiny one is just as life-altering as the major one.

If you are lucky enough to make it beyond the Catastrophe, you have to adjust, improvise, reconstitute, rethink, take remedial action, absorb & try to heal. It's all part of being a Human Being. Yes. We all must deal with the deal. That's the deal.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Roaring Tornado of Sound...

Our band, 8 members strong, played a late afternoon show yesterday. A big band in a tiny room; a cozy, comfy Chicago bar, "a friendly neighborhood tap." It was totally packed with friends and strangers. We were spread out across the barroom floor and up in the tiny stage.  It was unique configuration, an L-shaped spread.  Surprisingly, it worked out quite well. We were a roaring tornado of sound. We were a bit under-rehearsed and raw, and that made us all a bit more focused. The music had a fiery edge to it. It was definitely a high-energy outing. We played two sets, 22 original songs. My favorite post-show comment came from the friendly, prodigiously-tattooed lady-bartender: "I don't know what that was, but I loved it." You know, over the years, she has heard and seen just about everything. That comment was music to my ears.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Damn the Torpedoes...

Best not to live in fear. 

You think: "What could possibly go wrong?" The answer: "Well... pretty much everything." Still, that should not deter you from doing what you want to do.

I do believe we are here to be ourselves to the max. With a few guideposts. Be kind. Do no harm. Take care of yourself, and take care of others. Do the best you can, knowing that as Ringo once sang: "It don't come easy."

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nobility in their Reality...

Let's sing the praises of the common, working stiffs. I come from a long series of them. Honest folks doing honest work. Common ones. Hard workers. 

I look back and see some incredibly capable and talented folks spending lots of their lives hustling, & trying to earn a buck. Not the easiest life, by any means.

These are the folks who built things. Helped create the world we inhabit. They often get over-looked. There is a "greatness" to be found in their willingness to roll up their sleeves and do the work without complaint. 

In some strange way, it is these folks who helped hold the world, the center of things, together. I am not saying I am one of these folks, maybe a chip off the old block, a pale reflection of that noble stock. 

They are non-celebrites, non-rock-stars. Just common, ordinary folks. Showing up, doing their work. Living the dream. Whatever dream they conjured up in their heads. There is a nobility in the reality of their lives. Unspoken, unthought, the simple, dedicated action of doing, being & living.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Outer Limits...

"The happenings" in a life. We talk of "letting go the wheel," but then, things conspire to show you that your hand has never been on the wheel. There are a few of those starkly real days, and moments, when the veil is lifted to reveal that you really have no hand, and there is no wheel. 

Sometimes life really makes no sense. That sense-making habit we employ vanishes in an instant. You are left with Silence & Mystery. 

Quoting lyrics from my own song: 

"There's a sadness in the world, a madness in the world, there is no bottom to the well, there is no answer you can tell."

So yeah, the outer limits of our Human world. Madness and sadness are those colorful monsters that frolic in the waves beyond the known realms, as illustrated on those old navigation maps.

I suppose we haven't really lived until that madness and sadness find a place deep inside of us. And then, we carry on, we greet a new day,  as best we can, knowing that any ordinary day, can be the last.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Just a Day...

Lost in a flurry of activity. Yes. Yesterday was a busy day. To-ing & fro-ing. A day of Motion & Stillness. It was just a day. Another day in a life. What did it all add up to? Not much. I did the things I promised to do.  Showed up on time. I played the role of a man of my word. Simple tasks. Living & working. A sunny, hurly-burly of existence. Happy to still be able to get around. Yes. Indeed. Something happened. Already the day is fading away into the Mystic. Nothing special. Just a day. You know a precious day of living.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Boldly Non-Idiot?

Yes. Sometimes one feels stuck in the middle of an Idiot Plot. Everywhere one looks, it seems only Idiots are allowed. Idiots keep a very stupid game going. Some are waiting for the Deus Ex Machina, but that seems too stupid to be real. What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? Marvel at the Idiocy on display. Try not to don the "mask of stupidity" to fit in. Choose to be boldly non-Idiot? Too stupid to do? Can one see beyond their own Idiocy? Can you boot-strap yourself out of a swamp of Idiocy? Obviously, I don't rightly know...

Monday, June 10, 2024

A Good Afternoon...

Yesterday afternoon we retreated to a beautiful back-yard paradise. Blooming flowers, looming trees, little birds flitting about, sunshine dotted with white, puffy clouds slowly drifting across a blue expanse. 

My partner had a page of  words, I had an acoustic guitar. 

We worked on a new song. Putting pieces together. My partner came to the party with poetry, I came to the party with guitar riffs and chord changes. We ran thru our parts and tried to marry them, make them work together in a seamless, dynamic fashion. 

Often the trickiest part: getting the rhythm & tempo right. We are always reaching out to discover the right feel that will let the lyrics flower into song. We have learned to always record the bits and pieces. An in the moment revelation can easily get lost. My partner recorded every discrete part with her iPhone. Trying to catch lightening in a bottle. Sometimes we just stumble into the magic, which can easily vanish in a heartbeat. Must record. Always.

One tiny element can really be the whole thing.

It was magnificent to do the work together. We live for these moments. The songs come as "gifts," the  work is about finding and refining our initial inspiration, which comes from everywhere and everything. It's always surprising when it "works." We have learned to trust each other, to trust the process, to let it all just flow. A disciplined & determind effort to easily and naturally reach effortlessness.

Yes. It was a good afternoon, indeed.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Unconnected, Floaty...

Funny. The last few weeks, I "fell off the planet." Really. That is how it feels. I was so loaded down with responsibilites, I cleared the decks and just concentrated on being a "lowly" caretaker. A caretaker of a little mob of furry beings. I have been pretty disconnected from the Human Realm, sunk primarily in my own Humaness. I have worked hard at being present & optimistic. You know, trying to carry on with heart, soul & verve. I just learned that my imposed retreat will last for another 10 days or so. Ha. I am "guided by voices," I accept the reality of my limited usefulness to the world, which, really is pretty limited. Most of my discoveries and occupying moments are to be found in being fully present. Studying clouds & trees. Studying silence, and then blasting the most joyful music I can find on seriously pro sound-systems: Roxy Music, Beatles, Brian Ferry, Steely Dan reverberating thru the rooms and halls. Playing guitar too. Working on some new songs, with two different collaborators. It's a weird existence. Luxurious digs, massive structures. Lots of time. Time sometimes seems to come to a complete stand-still. Time really is mine. It's not a difficult state to be in, just feels a bit weird, unconnected, floaty. Disconnected and connected at the same time.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

New Trick: Macrobiotic...

My macrobiotic days...

What is the idea? Eat better, eat less, move more, stay flexible.

Yeah. A new thing. Surprisingly, yes, indeed, change is possible. Changing your mind, changing your habits = good. Maybe changing the way you eat, what you do, making a million tiny adjustments could lead to a totally new you & new day?

So, yeah, up well before the dawn. Cooking a big pot of brown rice. That is not something I've ever done before in this long narrative I think of as my life. You know, it's not an earth-shaking development, but it is a significent departure from my usual routine. 

New trick. Yes.

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Near and Not the Far...

It's weird. Some days all seems fine. Especially if I focus on the near and not the far. My simplified life. It's filled with diversions & obsessions. You know, music, coffee, dogs. Those things pretty much fill up my day to day.

And, I am in good shape if I discipline my teetering, roving mind: don't think too far back, or too far forward.

But then, the wider world seeps into my consciousness. Can't help getting the feeling that my Country, our Culture, the Human Population writ large is seriously off-course. Our planet is overstuffed, getting hotter, and the good people seem to be grappling with small & big madnesses.

$ and Corruption of all kinds seems to have invaded all of our major institutions. It's so weird to think that living a good, simple life is actually out of step with the wider world.

I am not cynical, not giving up. I lean to the light, I celebrate beauty, love, compassion, democracy, music, poetry, drama, good feeling. So weird, I feel like a Human Being so "out of time." An outlier. On the margins. Swimming against the raging rivers of our time. 

Sure, I look for good news everyday. It's out there to be discovered, but you have wade thru so much crap, idiocy, bad faith, bad blood. Human Beings lately seem to be acting like total assholes in every damn realm.

The morning soundtrack: "Avalon"  - Roxy Music (1982). Shimmering beauty. A mirage of dynamic vibration. A dream. An ideal.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Stirred & Shaken...

Stumbling in the dark. Head spinning with thoughts of failure and surrender. 

I think maybe it was triggered by a conversation I had on the lakefront path yesterday, a long, rambling, late afternoon conversation with another refugee (I barely know the man,  we always say "hello" when we pass each other on the path), from a Catholic Upbringing. A serious mind-fuck for both of us, no doubt. We both talked like survivors. Major head trauma. Stuffed with guilt, sin, and a deep in the bone uneasiness. Lots of Judgement to wade thru, baby. 

As we talked, I realized I was apparently a bit more successful at leaving "the Church" behind. No longer rebelling, just letting it all go.  Unlike my conversation-mate, I was never a true believer,  even as a Third Grader, I was a "doubting Thomas" type. I was stuck in that world during my formative years, but I mainly felt lost, and tried my best to be invisible. That tendency is still alive in my body.  There is a residue of that Catholic nonsense & mumbo-jumbo swirling around inside me. 

As my conversation-mate recounted his deep, soul-battles in the vaguest terms, it reminded me of my own. He only hinted at his internal drama & trauma. It seemed to me that he was living with some deep, dark wounds and gaping holes of blackness in his being. And he was suffused with a serious, debilitating lonliness. Looking for friendship on the path.

I rallied & talked about my standard remedies for better living: meditation, living in the moment, not judging life, experiencing it. Oh yeah, and simplifying: coffee, dogs, music. Doing the things I love to do. Carrying on with head, heart & soul wide-open. 

We both agreed it was a rich, fertile conversation. Bubbles of empathy and compassion floated above us. To be continued... We then went our seperate ways down the path. Safe to say, we were both a bit stirred and shaken.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Yep. The Best of America is Found in the Big Cities...

Yes. I was born in  Chicago, the City of Big Shoulders. I have been to New York a few times. It makes my big city seem like a very quaint, small town. I LOVE NEW YORK. I remember waiting to meet a friend at Grand Central Station at lunchtime one week-day, and being blown away & overwhelmed by the endless Sea of Humanity that came thru that station. Humanity in all it's glory. Every size, stripe, color, creed, etc. Blew my mind.

If you want to understand the beauty and the power of Democracy in USA, you must go to the big cities in the land to understand what the true melting pot of multi-cultural diversity really means. The best of America is found in the ramshackle, overstuffed cities. No doubt. It is a grand experiment. Amazing.

So yeah, a  big "salacious" trial happened in Manhattan recently. And the obvious, toxic fraud & clown was convicted of 34 felony counts. Unanimous verdict! Which prompted a local sandwich shop to unveil and offer up to the public a new sandwich special.  So funny. Spot on. Like I said: I LOVE NEW YORK!

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Try Not to Be an Asshole, Grasshopper...

I like to write fast, off the top of my head. I am from the Allen Ginsberg "first thought, best thought" school of writing & thinking. Admittedly, this sometimes gets me into deep trouble. Saying something without thinking thru what I am thinking & saying can be gnarly, hurtful and/or dangerous. Sometimes my first-thought, motor-mouth makes me the asshole.

On the other hand, I think that fast and loose approach has often been a fruitful method. I come up with funny, surprising ideas, I write lyrics, and create riffs and chord changes that become songs. I often surprise myself with the results. For me, it is a very creatively-useful way to try to short-circuit my conscious mind, and slip into the vast pool of creative-unconsciousness. Living, thinking, writing, playing, speaking intuitively.

I mean, it's a powerful tool, but also a double-edged sword. You can try it at home, but be on-guard. Use carefully & wisely little Grasshopper.

I sent a message to a great friend, and a trusted confidante yesterday. One passage just spilled out as I was typing. I quote it now, I think it's surprisingly good & true:

"I agree, a Caregiver is a noble, worthy profession. Being a crutch for someone, not so much. So yeah, I hear you. There is only so much care you can give to others. You do have to save some of that care for yourself. It's the only healthy, correct choice. You don't really want to fall into the "don't care" club. It sucks there. Bunch of assholes.

But you do have to care and find your love inside you. Best way to change the world for the good. Be an example of a caring, loving person, taking care of yourself with joy and love. Try to pass that vibe onto others. Sounds simple or maybe simple-minded, but I think it's the way to go. But avoid the punches to the gut, the snubs, the thoughtless uncaring fuckers. Live FREE with Heart, Soul and Love!!"

Monday, June 03, 2024

Look Out Debunkers!

Oh man...

If there are any sensible ones still out there, and, yes, I believe there are, selfishingly, I am counting myself amongst them, sorry to say that we all have a new full-time job. Add it to the list of all our other full-time jobs. I know, I sympathize, that's too much full-time for a sensible person. But, you know, Fuck, I mean, Working Stiffs Unite!

 What is that job I speak of? "Debunker:" - "a person or organization that exposes or discredits claims believed to be false, exaggerated, or pretentious."

Look Out Debunkers! 

There is a mountain of Bullshit, a raging river of lies, a fire-hose of disinformation blasting at us 24/7. Here in our beautiful land, the mighty USA, the main source of major-grade, USDA-choice B.S. comes from the whining MAGA-King and his sniveling apologists, which is led by that teetering criminal organization, the Republican Party. It's a fabulously corrupt political party, that has sold it's soul, integrity & self-respect to the newly-felonious MAGA-King. The GOP is stuffed with truth-challenged lackeys, boot-lickers & lying liars. Yikes.

So, it's not fun, like hula hoops, but the latest craze is to wade thru all the bullshit and lies, and do the meticulous work of debunking. Of course, the purveryors of disinfo have the advantage. It is so simple and easy to float the lie, big, little, in-between, and so much more involved to examine it, and fucking tear it to pieces. But you know, it is a job that must be done. Debunking, it truly is the necessary work.

Clairty. Truth. Clear-thinking! We need more of it. Debunkers, let's get to it!

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Honest Joe Tells It Like It Is...

There are still folks working for a better America. Not the ones with all that rage, racist-bile, and lock-step-zombie-idiocy. You know, NOT those following the fat-fraud, obesely-corrupt, newly-convicted felon.  

As John Lennon once sang: "Just Gimmee Some Truth." The Truth is our Democracy is worth keeping. It's always a work in progress. The more Democracy the better. The more inclusive, the more diverse, the more welcoming and embracing the better. 

And of course, in our Democracy there are no Kings. "No man is above the law." An authoritarian MAGA King is an abomination, a lie in our collective space. Toxic to our little experiment. 

Honest Joe. He's an old-timer. A long-time Politician and Public Servant. He is one of those folks still working for a better America. Every day. 

So much madness and hurly-burly, and total bullshit since the verdict came down. MAGA-land is not happy. Poor babies. Here's Honest Joe with some unvarnished truth:

“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed,” Biden said today. “Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. It was a state case, not a federal case. And it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens, 12 Americans, 12 people like you. Like millions of Americans who served on juries, this jury is chosen the same way every jury in America is chosen. It was a process that Donald Trump's attorney was part of. The jury heard five weeks of evidence…. After careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict. They found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. Now he’ll be given the opportunity as he should to appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. That's how the American system of justice works. And it's reckless, it's dangerous, and it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years and it literally is the cornerstone of America…. The justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It’s as simple as that. That's America. That's who we are. And that's who we will always be, God willing.” - Joe Biden

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Surrounded by the Stupid...

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence” - Charles Bukowski

Maybe this line from Charles Bukowski is true? I mean,  to me, it has the ring of truth this morning. Up early, scanning the news, it seems that the "stupid ones," have the loudest voices, grab the most attention. One begins to think there are only the stupid ones, but, of course that isn't true. 

Bukowski was a famous alcoholic, a hard-working-man, a derelict, but also a Poet. A dedicated writer, who wrote, often brillliantly, about his  very hard-scrabble existence on the streets. His poetry and short stories are not of the "ivory tower" poetical school. More the school of "hard knocks." The school of "pricks & kicks." Think: vomit, shit, piss. With some beauty flowering in the crap. He and his poetry were obsessions of mine, and pretty much a bad influence. He's sort of the Keith Richards of poetical bad influences. All these years later, for me, the lessons of Bukowski: write, always, always write, no matter what, pursue what you love, live the dream, even if you live in the gutter. AND don't be an asshole like Buk. Really.