Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Incremental Good...

I heard this phrase the other day: The Incremental Good. 

It came up in a conversation about someone who couldn't see, appreciate, or understand the concept at all. Instead, this person was all in on an all or nothing reality. This is someone who is down, in pain, in the dumps, flailing, unhappy, pissed off at the world, and totally stuck in the mire of bleakness and cynicism; they can't imagine taking steps to remedy their situation, unless everything suddenly, miraculously changed in an instant. Big, improbable wins. Miracles.

Dare I say it? Not a very good or healhty approach to Life.

The Incremental Good. Of course. When I heard the phrase it was like an explosion in my head. I thought, "This is the key to a good Life." 

Our lives are filled with tiny steps forward, strange, uncommon discoveries, good habits in thought & action, the smiles, the laughter, the kind words, the tiny victories, the shimmering, fleeting insights, the small actions that add up over time. Incrementally.

This approach leads you to new tasks, thoughts, break-thrus. Healthy obsessions. One day you wake up and strangely everything is somehow different. It's you. Your perception of yourself and the world around you. Incrementally good, in a good way. Yes, indeed, that's the ticket.