Tuesday, June 25, 2024

You Can't Tell Anyone Anything...

You can't tell anyone anything. 

That's a major lesson right there. I know, I was that person too. No matter what anyone said, any advice they offered up, I always treated it like a stinky sock. I was having none of it. 

I am not that person now. I have learned to listen. To everyone. I lend them my ears and attention. I really do. I am pretty interested in hearing folks out. Finding out where they are coming from. It's pretty entertaining, and sometimes surprising.

Still, I am super-good at tuning out the Idiots, and the Crazy Ones. Not a good use of time. I can spot them from a mile away. My radar is quite good. They are time-wasters,  they should be avoided at all costs, it's not a good idea to waste time. Time truly is precious.

So, yeah, I am super-selective about where I get my info, and news, and who I hang out with. I keep my trusted friends and confidantes close, and I protect myself from the madding hordes. I am happy to listen to, and to entertain, other ideas, opinions, & thoughts. I can listen to and take in new advice. I am willing try on new thoughts & ideas and put them into action. It has been a beneficial way forward. I think it's just a healthy way to live.

I think of that Grateful Dead lyric: "Take what you need, and you leave the rest..."

I don't spend a lot time dispensing advice, ok, maybe I that do here in this little blog-space. I let it flow out of the top of my head here. But, I have no illusions, I know that YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE ANYTHING...