Friday, June 28, 2024

TV Rots the Brain...

Yes. A long-time political junkie here. I did not watch the Presidential debate last night. I suspected it was going to be a total shit-show, and from what I hear I was absolutely correct. It never really is a debate. Usually a kind of political puppet-show. Sounds like it was a really bad, brain-numbing clusterfuck of a TV show. Oddly, most newsy, live in the moment TV shows, I mean especially all those furiously-annoying, political blabber-fests on cable TV, the 24/7 toxic-bilge-spewing-networks, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, are fucking constantly-unfolding and ever-repeating car-crashes. Insight and intelligence are murdered there. Political Pundits are a plague and pestilence on the land. There is something about TV and the talking heads that just turns everything into stupid-land. I do think TV rots your brain. Marshall Mcluhan pointed out: "The Medium is the Message."  TV is the medium, and message is TV-Eye renders everything into mush: trashy, hollow, slickly-packaged, skull-fucking, spectacle. It is a weird phenomena. Supposedly Honest Joe's stutter came back, he was halting and rambling, but still honest, with a real record of accomplishment. The other guy was a furious, shit-fountain of over the top B.S. & lies. Big, forceful, exuberant toxic, unhinged madness. Truth does not reside in that toxic clown's brain. So on-brand. Expect lots of huffing & puffing, hurly-burly, and chattering madness post-debate. Of course, Democracy hangs in the balance. Fuck. Yikes.