I bought these old Timberland boots back around 1990. They've been through the good times and the bad. I retired them recently. I had read in the "Laws of Power" that one must always be impeccable in appearance in order to gain the respect of others. Since lately I haven't been getting much respect from my fellow human beings, I thought, maybe it was time to let these old boots go. So, I put them on the shelf for awhile. But recently, I had a change of heart. Yesterday, I re-taped them and put them on. It was like welcoming dear old friends returned from a long journey. These old boots are so much a part of me. I wore them when I was a bike messenger, I have worn them when I've been up, sky high, floating on the clouds, and I have worn them when I've been down in the dirt, lower than a snake's dick. They are broken in, beaten up, cracked-open, scarred, there are holes and seams and creases and wrinkles and cuts and drops of paint, and blood and sweat, and yes, well, tears too. They kind of remind me of me. Who I am, and where I've been. Banishing these boots would be like banishing my arms.
So anyway, I was once told by a close friend that when they lived in Sante Fe, New Mexico they used to see someone about town who also taped up his boots - turns out it was the playwright and actor Sam Shepard. Now this is a coincidence that I take to heart. I began writing plays because of Mr. Shepard. So, the idea that we have both used tape to hold our boots together, makes me feel like I'm part of some secret tribe. Old Sam and I have something else in common - crooked teeth, but maybe that's a subject for another blog post.
It's amazing the looks I get when I wear these boots. Primarily from women. I mean, it's noticable. These boots are an attraction. It is not my imagination. For some reason, these beat up old boots make a poor impression, or some kind of crazy statement. Probably something to do with power and respect...and well, maybe only crazy people are supposed to wear boots like these? I guess I'm kind of declaring, "Not such an eligible bachelor!" or maybe "Loser!" or "Lookout, this guy will be speaking in tongues any moment!" I don't know...but anyway, they are my boots and I have a feeling I'll be long gone before these old boots give up the ghost, or before I run out of tape.