Faux Fu

Friday, September 06, 2024

Power of "No..."

A long day yesterday. Blazing sun. A long, pointless, Sisyphean trek across town with a roiling, boiling, bubbling feeling of deep unease. Sometimes it truly is best to say, "No."  Say it with gusto. There is no sense doing anything out of a sense of guilt, or repsonsibility, especially if the responsibility is just a pose, or an idea of what's happening in other folk's heads. Also, sometimes, even if $ are tantalizing, you don't have to be a slave to the buck. Really.

We took a bike-trip across town to finally work up the gumption to say "No," and the deep unease vanished in an instant. It was like being born again. The Angels gathered around me and started singing a happy song, and all was right with the world once again. On the way back home, we stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few supplies. I opted to get a treat, a container of chocolate frozen yogurt.  Yes. Sometimes a small, seemingly insignificant thing turns out to be a big, sort of momentous thing. Chocolate, one of the wonders of the world.

I ate the whole damn thing in one sitting, and well, afterwards I felt like a million bucks. Every cell in my body jumped up and joyously exulted "Yes, thank you!" Turns out there is the power of "no," and the power of "yes," I mean, I suppose it's freakingly, glaringly-obvious, but, fuck, of course, choose wisely Grasshopper...

The soundtrack this a.m. - Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run," (1975). Glorious r&r. Every song on the album fully realized. A total kick of adrenaline. It just sounds so damn good. Energy is Pure Delight...

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