Saturday, May 18, 2024

Broken Toys...

"You are not from around here, are you?"

My partner and I have heard that often over the years. Funny. We do feel different from the herd. We both feel like we don't really belong anywhere. Even if we are from around here. We stick out like "sore thumbs." Somehow we carry that on our shoulders. Not sure exactly how that translates to other folks. Maybe we take cues from each other?

You know the Don't Fit In Vibe.

I think for most of our lives we were unaware, we were in denial. We tried to fit in. Pretty unsuccessfully. It never really worked. The last decade or so, I think we just threw in the towel. Sure, we are broken toys, not at home anywhere. Even our own bodies seem sort of foreign to us. 

Being different. It's a vulnerability. Maybe a bit dangerous? Some folks just don't like it. On the other hand, sometimes we are noticed, tolerated, and embraced too by other broken toys. And that's a sort of homecoming.

It's OK. We are so damn visible. Just have to go with it. "In it, not of it." That's how we roll. You know, that seems to be "our jam." Strange, exotic, awkward, birds. Odd birds of a feather. Even when we think we are fitting in, we really aren't. Which is kind of funny. Let go. Be ourselves to the max. Damn the torpedoes. That's the ticket.