Friday, May 17, 2024

Attracted to the Underdogs...

You might think it's Goliath vs. David, (see previous post). And I suppose it is...

Existenstial Dread: Death, Destruction, Bad Actors, Bad Actions, Chaos, Clusterfucks, Murder, Failure, Futility, Stupidity, a deep, in the bone, sense of Helplessness surrounding all the big subjects in our Lives.


Optimisim, Hope, Happiness: Coffee, Light in all it's various forms, Humor, a weird sense of being connected to everything in the Universe, Intelligence, Music, Poetry, Laughter, Love, Dreams. Oh yeah, throw in a guitar, a voice, good meals, oatmeal (!), a decent night's sleep. The small consolations alive in our ever-expanding (?) Universe of Hurly-Burly.

OK. Maybe it's a long-shot, but I am solidly in the David Camp. I have always been attacted to the Underdogs. A good coffee brew, a glimmer of light, a little wisp of a dream. That's enough to make it.