Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Outer and Inner...

I think we are "dream-making-machines." We navigate in the real world, and we conjure up scenarios in our heads. Sometimes the outer-world and the inner-world match up. That's when you feel like everything is breaking your way. Other times, the outer and inner worlds are at cross-purposes. Then it feels like you are out-of-sync, out of luck, and all your dreams are tiny puffs of smoke with no hold, purchase or substance. Sometimes that "dream-making machine," is hacked or hi-jacked, and instead of "dreams" it is all a long film-roll of "nightmare." What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? Get out of your head, and be present in the real world of what is. "What is," is a great teacher. And a hard-grader. Oh well. Those dreams are a nice diversion, entertaining, but getting on with it in the what is, I mean, that's really the game. Sure. dream, baby dream, but then, put your boots on and get out there...