Monday, February 19, 2024

Contingent of Common Sense...

When asked how Fascism starts, Bertrand Russell once said: "First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent."

Yes. The wise, the learned, the philosophizing, the inspiringly-intelligent Bertand. So smart & pithy. 

We have been watching the Fools in America fascinating themselves with a Racist, Conman, Fraud, Sexual Predator, Anti-Democratic Seditionist, Liar, Wanna-Be-Authoritarian, a Whiny-Baby of Blimp-like proportions.

The Intelligent Ones, the Contingent of Common Sense, unfortunately, sometimes, seem to get swamped over, their voices drowned in the Vast Sea of Idiocy. We must swim to higher ground, huddle on little Islands of Enlightenment. Yes. We must. There is no glory in Embracing & Celebrating Stupidity.