Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Bubbles of Unknowing in the Slipstream...

Opinions. Everyone has them. And folks can't wait to tell you what they are, even, and especially, about things they really know very little about. Which when it comes to it, the realm of the things "we know little about," is vast. We all are very limited in our knowledge of the Universe, and all the pretty things in it. Still, despite that lack of knowledge and insight, Human Beings have no problem wielding their opinions like deadly weapons. Folks love to hammer each other with their opinions. It's a major past-time, a cultural phenomena,  a full time job.

Most of the blather and chatter on TV, Podcasts, Radio, Internet is just Human Beings spouting off about all the shite they know little about. It's just the truth.

Personally, when I was a Wee Lad, and maybe a Lad not so Wee too, I could slings opinions with the best of them. I was one of those people who prided themselves on having an opinion about everything. A motor mouth propelled by a spark of knowledge, and lots of nervous energy. That describes a whole genre and class of Humans right there.

I opted out of that class gradually, over the years. I find myself a bit more comfortable in my skin, and a little bit more cautious about floating bubbles of unknowing into the slipstream. Often, I now find myself saying things like, "I don't know," or "Maybe?" or "Who knows?," Or  "Beats me," or "We shall see?" Or, "I need to do a little more research."

Anyone talking about future events is just slinging hash. Really. Usually those folks are just revealing their own fears, insecurities, prejudices. Same with folks talking about "God." It's a fool's game. Folks just making shit up. And, folks having opinions about other folks motivations is a sticky wicket for sure, and again, probably more of an insight into the speaker's psyche than anything else.

I do know a lot about a handful of subjects. My list includes music, movies, song-writing, playing in a band, literature, politics, pop culture, dogs, guitars, football, meditation, headphones, coffee, oatmeal. But even these subjects can go deep, and the depths are mysterious, and interesting. So, yeah, more thinking, less opining. A friend of mine recently told me I was a "Master of Deflecting." I do think it is one of my finely-honed skills. I can easily manipulate a conversation to avoid what I don't want to talk about, and redirect it to what I do want to talk about. 

I think of it as a good mode for living: Reflecting and Deflecting.  Look into your soul. Listen to the silence. Speak less, act more, think deep, live lightly.  Oh yeah, and tune out all that noise floating all around you. Not every topic or event needs to be slapped around the ears with your opinion. Sometimes a stunned silence is the perfect response. Humility in the face of all things. Uninformed Opinion. It's sort of like a nasty virus. Avoid.