Sunday, February 18, 2024

Dumb & Dumber Meets Perry Mason = Karmic Perfection...

There is "karmic perfection," to be found in the story of a fabled rich guy, a fat, dissolute man, who inherited his daddy's wealth, and then embarked on a lifetime of fraud and illusion. This particular rich guy has a "super-power" that allows him to lie and bluster without an ounce of shame. Big lies, small lies, totally stupid and transparent lies, lies that only self-deluded idiots would believe; this particular rich guy wields these lies on an epic scale and he has used that super-power, and that life-time of lies to his great advantage in the public square, in the political arena, and in pop culture writ large.

Those of us who have never bought into any of the idiotic shite this rich guy spews, can only sit back and marvel and wonder how that river of lies, bluster and total nonsense could ever have been believed. This guy can lie shamelessly with a straight face, and legions of folks gladly, and enthsuiastically, swallow his total, all-encompassing, trumpy, bullshit sandwich.

Now, interestingly enough, here's where that karmic perfection comes in. All those lies, all that bluster and idiotic nonsense falls apart in a courtroom. In fact, that super-power suddenly turns into the most deadly and toxic kryptonite for the hopes and chances of that rich guy. Facts and evidence have the uncanny ability to melt and vaporize the lies. Every trumped-up lie that rich guy tells, makes things exceedingly worse for him. All of his bluster & bullshit is now just the garnish on top of a series of dire, very costly consequences. His overloaded shit sandwich is now his very own very toxic, very deadly, happy-meal.

And the rich guy can't help himself. He can't stop lying, blustering and raging. Even if it's totally contrary to his own well-being, the brain-numbing spew of lies continues. And in the courtroom, every lie that he floats just makes things worse and more detrimental to him.

Yes. Ha. It's almost Shakespearean. Although, it's really a deeply dumbed down version of Shakespeare. You know maybe old Will is reincarnated in 2024, and he writes for a revived Mad Magazine, or he scripts new episodes for a resurrected "Three Stooges."  Dumb & Dumber meets Perry Mason.

It is gratifying & supremely entertaining for anyone rooting for facts, truth, justice and common sense to carry the day. Lying rich guy gets hit in the pocketbook for a string of epic $ judgements. What to say? 

Sweet, sweet, karma, baby! Perfection...