Sunday, January 07, 2024

"Morons Trying to Make History" = January 6th by John Ganz...

You hate to label them "enemies," you know, they are your fellow Americans, but enemies they are. Enemies of Democracy, Justice & Truth.

As Jeff Magnus from Neutral Milk Hotel once sang: 

"Know all your enemies
We know who our enemies are
Know all your enemies
We know who our enemies are..."

Yes. Enemies. For instance, the Brain-Dead MAGA hordes who tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power on January 6th. The ones who are still blindly following the "Moron Fascist..." 

"From a certain perspective, the critics who say that talking about fascism takes Trump too seriously are correct: it involves too much hocus-pocus, it cloaks him in a certain dark grandeur, and gives everything a Spenglerian gloom that makes him seem bigger than he is. After all, he’s just a crook and a conman, an idiot. But the phoniness, that bombast, and the ridiculousness was a part of the original thing, too. There has always been a deeply moronic side to fascism. Fascism is perhaps most fundamentally a moron putting on world-historical airs. “Morons trying to make history” — what better way to describe January 6? The second biggest mistake is to take it too seriously. But the first biggest mistake is to not take it seriously enough."

This passage made me reflect on what the breakdown among Trump adherents are: 
1) Cowards afraid of his retaliation 
2) People conned by his grift 
3) Utilitarians who believe he's the only way GOP wins 
4) Adherents of fascism

Yes. We all should call this shite out.  We need to stand up and reclaim our Democracy from it's enemies. Those both near and far...