Saturday, January 06, 2024

What is the Mission?

Funny. My "racial resentment" is quite low. Don't really get it, or understand it. When I see a Human Being out on the boulevard doing worse than I, my first thought: "There but for the Grace of God go I."  

I also find it quite difficult to be envious of any Human Being doing better than I. My first thought: "We are all on such Singular Roads."  We all start at different places, and will end up in different places. It's a funny, strange, mysterious Universe that we all live in.

Everyone has their reasons, seasons, problems and gifts. No sense beating each other up. We truly are Brothers & Sisters. Best way forward: Live & Let Live. Extend a helping hand, keep a smile on your face. Keep calm & carry on.

Life. You know, we are all in it together. Best to lean to the light and try to do our best as best we can. Don't add to the pain, don't add to the suffering, live lightly, gently, humbly.

At the same time: be fiercely, joyously, completely us. That is our mission. 

Still, it is important: don't be simple-minded. Know that there are those who don't give a shit, those who do want to hurt others, those who want to wield power over others. There are the bullies, the bad-faith actors, the fascists. the racists, the authoritarians, the fundamentlists and extremists, those anti-democractic beings who want to destroy the peace.

How to do deal with those folks? How to tolerate the intolerant? It's a conundrum. I do think we out-number them. We need to out-vote them, turn away from them. Point out that they offer death & destruction, an anti-humanistic hell-hole. 

I suppose that's what leads us to War. A terrible answer to a terrible question. There is always a war of ideas, and often that war tilts into all-out war on a real battlefield. "War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing." But of course, it seems there is always a war raging, often multiple wars across the Human Highway. It a human thing, a terrible human thing, no doubt.