Monday, January 08, 2024

Difficult & Vague...

The lines below come from a conversation between me and a friend of mine, about something else, something sort of mundane, but it seems to me to be an excellent description of our very Human Condition, the Condition of Being a Human Being. Possibly, maybe, pretty much, you know, totally Imperfect Beings in an Imperfect world?

Does this idea of imperfection let us off the hook? Nope. Not in the least. We are all still very much on the hook for the decisions we make, and the actions we take. It's that kind of Universe.

First of course, an important preamble: "We don't know, what we don't know..."  Aye, there's the rub. We often have to make decisions based on very little information, and sometimes those decisions, I mean, who knows, maybe every little decision, can be, or really is, life-altering.

And, for sure: "It's a tough situation. Lots of difficult questions, with only vague answers..."

Yes. Indeed. So what's a Humble Pilgrim to do? We sift thru information, crunch the data, or trust our gut & intution, you know, we do it all; sometimes in the quicksilver moments, we shoot from the hip, or sometimes we really worry over that bone; lots of tossing & turning, and determined hurly-burly of rumination. Then, basically, we  make those tough choices, and, damn the torpedoes. That's Life, Baby!