Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Big Band in a Small Room...

I played guitar with my other band yesterday. This time I played my trusty old acoustic guitar. I kept my head, and I also kept my shit together. 8 musicians in a room. A really big band, a relatively small rehearsal room. We played for 2 hours. Newly-hatched songs, a few new-ish songs, and a clutch of old songs too.

It was exhilatring. Another example of the healing power of art, creativity, music and human connection. Walking into the rehearsal room, my song-writing partner and I were pretty damn tired and out-of-sorts. It's been a long, freezing cold, starkly-hard week of schlepping around in the hood. 

All of that tiredness and bad feeling vanished as soon as we started singing & playing our songs. Losing ourselves in the vibrations of the moment is just such a beautiful thing. A marvelous, soul-enriching kick.

We are lucky to have a superbly talented group of musicians who are dedicated to our cause. It's the power of the group, an energy bigger than any one of us. We pretty much soared thru the whole session. Even the brand-new songs came to life very quickly, by the second time thru, the songs started to assert themselves.  We have really developed a great rapport with this group. There is an instant connection with everyone in the room. It is easy to ignite the fire of creativity.

Afterwards, dissasembling the p.a. and packing up our gear, the deep-in-the-bone tiredness came back. We were both exhausted once again, but now there was a glow, a shiny aura surrounding us. Yes, a transendence, an exhilaration, a deep satisfaction. Yes. That is the power of doing the good work.