Saturday, January 20, 2024

Mojo - Fading & Rising...

Mojo.  Sometimes it's really about mojo. Your guitar fails (see previous post), and your mojo takes a hit. You wonder if you are cursed, if your mojo is disappating, dribbling away, never to return. 

I disassembled my guitar. And then put it back together again. Funny. It seems to have "fixed," whatever was going on with that tuning machine. "How is that possible?"

Such a weird mystery. So yeah, yesterday I worked over my guitar, tightened screws, reset the action, put on a new "E" string. It all seems fine now. That nightmare scenario is already fading away. 

Just to be sure I am ordering a new set of tuning machines.  A precaution. You know, I just don't want any uncertainty. Why did that thing fail? Why is it now working? WTF? 

I can't explain it.  So, yes, a new beginning. Shiny new parts on the way. The first step in renewing one's mojo. Turns out underlying everything is mystery.  A weird & funny Universe we have here, for sure.