Monday, January 22, 2024

Bad Ideas vs. Good Ideas...

An American Dictator? A bad idea.

A President with "total immunity" from prosecution for crimes committed? A really, really bad idea.


The Republican Party has totally devovled into a sham and a grift of total  bad-faith, bad-action, complete shite. A bunch of cowards & lapdogs pandering and slavering over their Bulbous, Disintegrating, brain-worm-infested, MAGA Wanna Be King. 

It is a sad joke & a terrible stain on our little Democratic Experiment. 

Democracy & Free & Fair Elections? Very good ideas. 

No man or woman is above the law? Another really good idea. 

One looks on in total wonder and horror at the GOP and MAGA Zombies. How can my fellow Americans be so far out of their minds?

One thinks it must be Fear of Change, Hatred of "the other," deep in the bone Racsim, that drives those folks. So misguided, so soul-killing. What makes America Great? Diveristy, Multiculturalism, Woke-Ism, Progressivism, Free & Fair Elections, The Rule of Law, Open Minds, Open Hearts. 

America, the great human melting pot, or maybe the thriving, boiling, madly-diverse, multi-bean chili...

Crazy Year. 2024. Everything is on the table, once again. Cooler heads, warmer hearts, must prevail. We must think and vote as if Democracy itself is at stake. Because, of course, it is...