Friday, December 22, 2023

Questions. No Answers. Certain of Nothing...

I had a nice conversation yesterday with a dear and beloved confidante & friend who had read my last post (see previous post), and who thought I was a bit off-target. I listened, and learned. What did I learn? I am certain of nothing.

I was left with questions, many head-scratching questions. A blzzard of questions. It sent me reeling, but you know, it's sort of an agreeable state for me. Sometimes the best conversations are the ones that leave you with a million unanswerable questions. It really was that kind of conversation.

What questions? For instance: 

Maybe "the people" aren't really all that intelligent?  Maybe all this hope for the human herd is just naive?

Maybe human beings are basically selfish, greedy, small-minded, blinded by their ignorance? Maybe it is the rare, good find when someone emerges out of that realtiy with a bit of goodness and clarity on display, but for sure buddy, don't count on it?

Maybe stupidity and ignorance truly do run rampant thru the human herd? (For evidence of such a damning generality please refer to the long, crooked path of the History of Humanity).

Maybe common sense & the common good are overrated, and just fancy misunderstandings?

Maybe this idea of a "shared reality," is a chimera, a ghost, an illusion?

Maybe we are all stuck in our own heads, and what see & hear in the Universe all around us is really just projections of our own inner states?

Maybe life is just a hall of mirrors?

Maybe we really all have no fuckng clue?

Maybe questioning the fundamental nature of our existence is the first step to a certain intelligence, but it's also a gnarly road, a slippery slope, with no clear anwsers?

Maybe I should just get on with living and forget all this navel-gazing?

Maybe all this chatter about fixing the world, or saving the world, is just a way of flattering ourselves?

Yikes. What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? Back to base this morning. 

Sipping a great coffee brew, typing into the void. Leaning to the light. Thinking: Damn the Torpedoes, and Rock & Roll.  I mean fuck it. Let it  All Come Down, Baby. Live life to the fullest, and let the chips fall where they may. And those other folks, the ones who are unfathomable to me? Live and let live. Hope we out-number, out hustle, out-work and out-vote them.

I mean, sure, a change of conciousness can happen in an instant, like a lightening bolt out of the blue, but all you can really do is try to save yourself,  aspire to a life of alive, aware, awake, and hope others do the same. Amen Brothers & Sisters. Amen.