Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sanctuary Days...

Gravitate to the poetic, to the beautiful, to the harmonic, to the graceful, to the wonder. 

My partner and I are always doing our best to lean to the light. We are into that idea of  "alive, aware, awake," but it also has it's downside. We are both very, very sensitve. Maybe too sensitive; we are overly-excitable, wildly-variable, easily-animated, we are often totally lit, and on fire. We are often rocking and reeling from the vibrations of everything that surrounds us. Maybe we are not unique, but we both feel pretty strongly that we are not exactly like other folks. We aren't putting on airs, we aren't pretending we have anyting over anyone else. This super-hyper-sensitivity actually seems like a flaw, a fly in the oinment of our personal makeup. We are often diffcult, gnarly, "needing special attention." 

We have built a home, and a life, all about finding sanctuary, finding shelter from the storms of the day to day. Those stacks of books on every shelf, those vinyl records, and those rows & rows of CDs in the kitchen and living room are little bricks of protection. We fill our hearts and heads with other worlds, other sounds, vibrations and ideas from writers, poets, playwrights, musicians and songwriters from around the world. They are the models, inspirers, creatives who open doors and windows to alternate ways of being, seeing and interpreting the world.

We are both long-time meditators. It's a way of grounding ourselves. Learning to retreat to the center of our heads, to find a place of calm and clarity, submerging deep down in our beings. It's an on-going process. It's a protective strategy, for sure.

We are both very private people. We project out into the world via our music and our band, but even this activity is a bit of a protective pose. We let our "art" speak for us. We bring folks together to bathe in the vibrations of the music. We actually try to disappear in the making of the work. It's just another way of sublimating our deep senstivity and trying to create something stronger, more resilient and hopefully, enlightening. When it all flies, it represents the best of us.

Anyway. We have a few days of breaking a routine. No appointments. We will do only what we want to do when we want to do it. Lots of time pointed inward. A postive, healing motion. Holidays. Holy Days. Sanctuary Days.