Thursday, December 21, 2023

Hard Limits on the Human Highway...

Ha. A bit eye & head opening. Turns out human beings really are capable of anything, for the good, and for the bad. Humans easily reach the heights of glory, and the depths of depravity.

It is safe to say that human beings are pretty limited. Stuck in the middle of being human. Being human makes it hard for us to see our own flaws, but of course, we basically live those flaws out in the world and take them to term every damn day. 

If you put on glasses of clarity, do a bit of clear-seeing, it is so much easier to see the flaws of others, it is obvious that the hard limits of humanity are on technicolor display in every human realm. I guess it's a bit surprising just how badly much of humanity performs. There are the limits of reason, the limits of sanity, the limits of clear thinking, the limits of love, and good intention, etc. Yes. Hard limits.

Lately the stupidity, the bad-faith arguments, the clearly flawed thinking, the selfishness, the greed, the paranoia, the weird-everything-is-a conspiracy madness, the hate, the outlandish lies, both big and small, are flooding thru the human highway. It doesn't take a brainiac to see the willful and woeful swamp of idiocy, that humans love to wallow in. Strikingly weird.

One extreme example: There is a guy out on the hustings, talking like Hitler, and Americans are rushing to support & defend him. Oh yeah, and it just so happens to be the same guy who wanted to use violence to keep his job.  A job he was ceremoniously booted from, after a sizable majority of Americans freely and fairly decided he was done. In the ensuing months and years; temper tantrums, outlandish lies, whiny and blubbering double-speak, threats of revenge, retribution and violence. What the fuck, people, how do we tolerate such complete shite? We must do better.

It's pretty weird, and strange, and tiring. One hopes for a bit of clarity, humility, common sense. A grounding. We are those complicated, contradictory, tricky monkeys, but you know we just aren't as clever and together, as we pretend to be.