Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Being Human...

I am a human being, I have been for a number of decades. So, you know, I think I know what it means to be a human being from the inside out. I realize my experience is partial, subjective, totally my own, and I also know that conclusions I draw from my experiences and feelings may be off-target, wrong-headed & misleading. But I am sort of confident in saying that being human is a tricky, complicated, contradictory, and a sometimes self-baffling & gob-smackng adventure.

The last few days, (see two previous posts), have been like living in a little slice of paradise. Beautiful days, beautiful moments, moments of wonder and joy, alive in secret gardens of pleasure; moments strung out in front of me like a necklace of shiny & lovely pearls.

At the same time, my nights, have been filled with turmoil, hurly-burly, toil & trouble. Dark dreams. Elaborate nightmares. I wake up thinking " Ye gods, only a dream," but there is a residue of uncertainty, clouds of concern, existential angst & doubt; vast, turbulent, overwhelming hurricanes of unknowing swirling around in my being.

As per Dylan, "Where have you been, my blue-eyed son?" 

And, shite, "Where are you going, my darling young one?"

Aye. There's the rub. I don't rightly know. My dream-world is all about being lost, missed connections, no name, uncertain identity, wandering nameless streets in some unknown, broken, foreign city. I stumble about clueless & floundering. I don't who I am, where I am, where I'm going. Ha! Oh so human. Bifurcated. Twisted. Crucified on the cross of contradiction. The light and dark dancing some weird, dervish-like dance, always locked hand in hand. Yep. That's a human thing right there. Days of sunshine and light, nights of darkness and black. Again, quoting Dylan: "I contain multitudes..."