Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Expanding Beauty...

The expanding day, the expanding minutes and hours. That is how we experienced it yesterday. It was so uncommonly beautiful around here. Not exactly what you'd expect in mid-November in the Heartland. Gorgeous blue skies, a warm, welcoming, caressing sun. The rays of the sun dominated the day. The sun is at a certain tilt, it bathes everything in a shimmering, golden light. My friend and I bathed in the beauty of the day. We walked thru all the fallen leaves on the paths and sidewalks. The sound of crunching, brittle leaves underfoot. It seemed to us that time was at a standstill. Minutes ticked by in slow-motion. We wanted it all to last forever. Our day, our time. We sat in a little sunny corner of a big grassy, secret garden space. We talked about everything, and nothing. We held onto absolutely nothing. We were in flow, the flow of no-flow. The days are "getting shorter," sunshine is a shrinking reality around here, but these hours of glorious beauty completely filled us up. It was extraordinary. The expanding day...