Thursday, November 16, 2023

No Freaking Out...

There are many reasons to freak out: the climate catastrophe, politics, social media, the 24/7 noise machine, calculated disinformation, humanity's never-ending inhumanity to humanity, chaos, random chance, and the always, any time, looming catastrophe lurking around every corner.

My good friend said to me yesterday: "I'm worried."

I replied: "Yep. That's understandable. If you are paying attention, you should be worried. BUT, don't worry too much, maybe just a little bit. Set aside a brief window of time to worry. Then, get on with it."

She laughed at that. I laughed too.

Still, I do think it is good advice. Sure, worry a little bit, that seems appropriate, but totally freaking out is not helpful. Carry on. Keep your head. Keep your cool. Do all the things you have to do, and do them well. Try to set an example. Grace under pressure. Cool, calm, collected. Oh yeah, and damn the torpedoes!