Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Worthy Occupation...

Oh yeah. Almost forgot. This time of year it gets really cold around here. There is a coat of frosty, newly-white snow on the ground. The air chills & bites. It is super-clear out there. The day does not caress, it grabs you by the face and seeks to deep-freeze you to the bone. How to survive? It's all about wearing thick layers, multiple sweaters, two pairs of socks, heavy boots, bulky gloves, a kooky, furry, winter hat. The lakefront is much less populated this time of year. The cold thins the human herd. There are the "pros" out there, and there are a few of the more committed, or obsessively nutty runners and power-walkers. Really it is the hardcore on out on the paths. So yeah, a starkly cold reality. It's a challenge. And it seems like an accomplishment just getting thru in one piece. Darkness bookends everything. Dark early, dark late, darkness rules. By 4:30 p.m. it is dead dark. Makes you want to cocoon. Wrap up tight, put your headphones on and ride the vibes of another time and place. There is something to be had in these times. There is a license to pull in your horns. Count your blessings, all your fingers and toes are still in working order, it feels like a win. Raw survival, it becomes a thing, a worthy goal & occupation.