Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Overwhelmed by the Stupid...

Here is an intriguing question: Does having empathy for the supremely stupid human beings in our midst, make us supremely stupid too?

Ha. A loaded question. 

What of all those folks who refuse to listen to Science, Biology, Math? What of those folks clinging to the convenient lies about Vaccines, Climate Catastrophe, Democracy, Free and Fair Elections, Intelligence? 

Yep. Seems that stupidity is on the rise. Folks who just don't want to face reality. Yes, there really is a reality. 

It pays to read, to think, to be open-minded, and to be willing to change your mind in the face of facts & evidence.  Yes. Even and especially when the facts and evidence challenges one's basic assumptions. Maybe a bit of humility? Go with the idea that you don't know everything, that what you feel, what you want to believe is true, isn't necessarily true. We are all works in progress, We need to feed our heads with smart things:  writers & thinkers, ideas of intelligence, etc. Yes. There are smart people in the world. We need to always be learning.

And yes, for sure, empathy is an essential tool in the Human Being kit-bag. But, for our mental health, there must be some limits or guard-rails. Dip too deep into the empathetic pool and you too may drown in the ocean of stupidity. 

Beware of disinformation and conspiracy-minded thinking. Yes. It's jungle of stupid madness out there. Tread carefully, gracefully, with eyes, hearts and heads open.

At some point we must turn away from the stupid ones. Out vote them, out work them, ignore them when they rant and rave. 

Maybe try this on for size: "Yes, I can understand you want to cling to your stupidity. I feel sorry for you. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. But, you know, I can't go there with you. Sorry. Get your shit together!"

I don't know. Wrestling with the stupid ones immediately makes one sort of stupid too. Maybe it's inevitable? Maybe the best way forward: AVOID THE STUPID ONES AT ALL COSTS!