Monday, November 27, 2023

Goofing Off to Inspiration...

Yesterday was a goof off day. I am pretty good at unplugging and goofing off. You know, maybe even a world-class goof. I approach goofing off as if it's an Olympic sport, or maybe a fine-art pursuit. A long, lazy Sunday. A no agenda, no obligation day. Leisurely morning, hot bath, a 30 minute Chi Machine session, a long, luxurious meditation in the living room surrounded by our 3 feathered friends. You know it was all about relaxing, renewing, recharging.  A total refresh.

We watched an old concert film, "It's Too Late to Stop Now," (1973) Van Morrison and the Caledonia Soul Orchestra filmed at the Rainbow in London.  Amazing band, amazing performance, Van the Man at his Irish Rebel Soul peak. Phenomenal. So inspiring.

We then watched Nick Cave and Warren Ellis in "This Much I know to Be True,"  (2022) performing songs from their two masterpiece albums "Ghosteen" and "Carnage." A knockout film. So powerful & spiritual. Nick is on a singular road, heart and head blasted wide-open. The best, finest, most powerful music of his career.

I finished the day listening to a demo song my partner and I recorded in front of a blazing fire a few days ago. A long, rambling, shambling 6 minute song recorded on a compact digital recorder. A work in progress.

We are definitely onto something. It seems our latest songs are so "us," definitive examples of our self-defined 21st Century Druid Music. We seem to be traveling back in time. A simple drum, an acoustic guitar, two voices.  Primal, obscure, poetic lyrics inspired by the natural world. 

I need to perfect my playing, delicate finger-picking alternating with bold strumming with a pick. Subtle changes in timing and approach. We may want to tighten the song up a bit. Every time we play it, it seems to get a bit more refined and complete. We do feel we are on the path to one of our best new songs. So exciting.

Goofing off, a doorway to inspiration. Ha. Funny. That's the way of The Fool.