Wednesday, October 11, 2023


I suppose I go with that Jean Paul Sartre "existentialist" idea that we are all responsible & accountable for everything. As Human Beings, we are all implicated in the sins & the crimes of Humanity. We are also implicated in the wonderful acts of grace, kindness and good acts that Human Beings are capable of, and often bring to the world. I am also of the mind that Sartre was right: "Hell is other people." But I would like to add: "Heaven is other people too." You get both.

I also go along with that sort of mystical idea that everything and everyone is connected. And everything, absolutely everything, counts. It's a heavy way to think, ("he ain't heavy, he's my brother..."), and to live. You must wrestle with the Demons unleashed by your fellow humans, and you also can, & must, commune with the Angels unleashed by your fellow humans too. I mean it's a burdensome way to live & to think. It makes real the reality that Life is not just a free and easy ride. Living in the world comes with burdens, responsibilities, guilts, joys, wonders, and gob-smackingly convoluted enigmas, contradictions & deep in the bone mysteries.