Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hell & Paradise...

Of course, it's easy to be open-minded, open-hearted, and philosophical when you are far from the front lines, and a long distance from the carnage. There are no bullets flying here, no bombs going off, no "gates of hell" opening up in our reality, no dire circumstances, no overwhelming tragedy hanging over everything and everyone.

In fact, over we here find ourselves cocooned in our own somewhat idyllic, Midwestern, totally Progressive, Blue-Bubble neighborhood; everything is quiet, calm, peaceful. Yesterday was just a perfectly beautiful, blue-sky, day. It makes it all so surreal.

We carry a deep sadness in our hearts and heads for Humanity. We grieve for our fellow Human Beings. 

We know that we are truly lucky. By pure, stupid luck and a bit of pluck, we find ourselves in very a prosperous, educated, copacetic community. We are marginal characters, living by our wits. But we are in a sort of hunky-dory, paradise. And we can easily retreat into our own little Private Idaho, an oasis filled with music, creativity, & good cheer.

We also know that all of this can vanish, can easily be snatched away, in an instant. We are always just one catastrophe from catastrophe.  Jim Morrison: "No one gets out of here alive." No one escapes unscathed.

It's odd. Very disorienting. Heart-breaking. As they often say: Life is not fair. You want it to be fair. You want everyone to be able  to prosper and thrive. You yearn for Truth, Justice, Love, Kindness, Grace. You hope for the best for all. But of course, that hope is often dashed on the rocks. You know, like, pretty much every day. It truly is a Universe of Creation and Destruction locked in a constantly shifting, never-ending dance.