Friday, October 13, 2023

Imaginary Rabbits, Imaginary Rabbit Holes...

Ah... well... my partner and I, we turn away from the madness and we chase imaginary rabbits down imaginary rabbit holes. Tom Petty called it, "Running Down a Dream."  We are working on our music project, a new 9 song album, recorded, mixed, and now nearly mastered. It is a long, meticulous, very detailed process. It is fun, and rewarding, and exhausting. My partner and I are a chasing down some imaginary ideal, in a world where the ideal is a shimmery chimera dancing just out of reach.

We are down to making decisions on how loud tracks are and how many seconds of silence work best between tracks. Yes. Silence. In this day and age of streaming services and playlists, maybe not the most important thing. But if you are working on an album, a CD, who knows, maybe a future vinyl release, the amount of silence from one track to the next looms as an important thing. 

"Maybe for these two tracks 0 seconds works? Nice how one song segues right into the next one. Maybe 2 seconds between these tracks? Maybe 4 seconds for those two?"

Funny. Lost in the silence. We can fall into the gap between, and lose ourselves to the project. 

We know no one else on the planet will listen to these tracks as closely as we do. No one else will give this album this much love and attention. You know, that's a given. Not our concern. Imaginary rabbits. Imaginary Rabbit holes. We feel like we can get lost and hopefully found there too...