Monday, October 09, 2023

Bad Math...

Fumbling and reeling this morning. Shocked and grieving for Humanity. I think of the Dalai Lama's idea: We are all Human Beings first. Fundamentally, we are all the same. We may have different ideas in our heads, have different skin, hair and eye colors, wear different clothes, grow up in different countries, offer prayers, or do not, to different Gods, but, you know we are all just very human Beings, with all the quirks and flaws that come to us via our own unique trick-bags. As the singer-songwriter Nick Cave reminds us, we are all on a "singular road" but we are also all connected, and on singular roads together.

I'm going full-on Biblical this morning. I think of that musty old book as a weighty tome, written by Human Beings, full of contradictions, crazy-ass B.S., hard to believe stories, and a few beautiful passages of poetry. 

When in doubt I fall back on a nasty cliche. My morning misguided cliche: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Wrong-headed for sure. That approach inevitably leads to a world of eyeless, toothless Human Beings. And matching Death for Death just multiplies Death. It's bad Death-Dealing Math.

One wonders: How to multiply the Peace? The Love? The Understanding?