Sunday, October 08, 2023

History of the Species...

Events. They happen. You listen, you watch. You think. You shudder. You feel such sorrow for Human Beings in the throes of deep suffering. It's always the common "people" who suffer the worst. Those folks who happen to be "in the way," who just want to live happy lives, caring for their children, trying to make it day to day. It stuns one into silence. Words truly do fail. There is no making sense. There is no point in taking sides. This is a long-running calamity. A Human flaw writ large across centuries, it is built into the history of the species. Blood thirsty combatants of all races, creeds and nations. Human Beings; we are an often remarkably astonishing species, sometimes fabulously creative, loving & wonderful, with a very, very dark, calamitous side. Crucified on the Cross of Duality.