Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Healthy Mind vs. Rage & Despondency...

Yes. Early this morning I came across this post on Brain Pickingsa healthy mind vs. rage and despondency. It really does seem like "what it's all about." The Human Mind is an "attention machine." What we pay attention to is everything. How to navigate a chaotic, sometimes hostile world? 

"That choice, that attitude, is what we call mindset, and it is as trainable as a muscle, as teachable as piano..."

"A healthy mind knows how to hope; it identifies and then hangs on tenaciously to a few reasons to keep going. Grounds for despair, anger, and sadness are, of course, all around. But the healthy mind knows how to bracket negativity in the name of endurance. It clings to evidence of what is still good and kind. It remembers to appreciate; it can — despite everything — still look forward to a hot bath, some dried fruit or dark chocolate, a chat with a friend, or a satisfying day of work. It refuses to let itself be silenced by all the many sensible arguments in favor of rage and despondency."

Yes. Exactly. This is the Human struggle. In our minds. We can train. We can choose. We can see the horror, and lean to the light. We can cling to Hope, and turn away from cynicism. It's the best, most healthy way forward. You know. Damn the torpedoes.