Saturday, October 28, 2023

The New Christofascism...

The GOP elected a new speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Is it good news? Probably not.

I believe this handy little term will become useful in the days and months ahead, and it's totally on-point about a very retrograde and toxic movement: "Christofascism", a neologism which was coined in 1970 by the liberation theologian Dorothee Sölle.

Interpretation of Sölle

"Tom F. Driver, the Paul Tillich Professor Emeritus at Union Theological Seminary, expressed concern "that the worship of God in Christ not divide Christian from Jew, man from woman, clergy from laity, white from black, or rich from poor". To him, Christianity is in constant danger of Christofascism. He stated that "we fear christofascism, which we see as the political direction of all attempts to place Christ at the center of social life and history" and that much of the churches' teaching about Christ has turned into something that is dictatorial in its heart and is preparing society for an American fascism.

Christofascism "disposed or allowed Christians, to impose themselves not only upon other religions but other cultures, and political parties which do not march under the banner of the final, normative, victorious Christ" – as Paul F. Knitter describes Sölle's view."

Yeah, it's a revolting, pernicious & toxic ideology and movement. A bit insidious too. Using Religion and Jesus as a front for Fascism. Whatever happened to the Jesus of  Peace, Love, Understanding and Forgiveness? This Christofascism must be called out and resisted. I say we must all stay "Woke" people!