Monday, October 30, 2023

Humans, Losing Their Shit...

The Humans are cracking. The fear and hate seems to be bubbling up from deep inside. The Chaos Agents are happily fanning the flames. What to do? Try not to add to the suffering. There is a deep sadness attached to everything "Human." We have met the enemy and it turns out the enemy truly is us. 

The suffering, madness, fear & loathing. A toxic stew, both far and near.

We had another very disturbing encounter on public transportation over the weekend. Coming back home from a quite wonderful gathering of musicians, we found ourselves trapped in a train car with a raging madman.

A large, burly, ominous-looking man was on the train smoking a long, slender cigarette. I suppose it was laced with something toxic, maybe meth,  maybe crack, "god knows what." He was ranting and raving, pounding on the walls of the train, jibbering, jabbering, speaking in tongues. It was truly an extraordinary display of a wild, uncontainable madness. A very troubled & scary man wrestling with a very troubled & scary mind totally lit up, in pain and raging.

My partner and I, and all our fellow passengers hunkered down. We all did our best to be invisible. We exchanged worried glances and counted down the minutes until we could get off this damn train. I am pretty sure we were all praying , silent prayers, to not be seen, and hoping beyond hope that this crazy-ass dude wasn't armed with any weapons.

The train pulled into the station and we all spilled out onto the platform. The hopped up madman came out too, moving like a deranged rhino, he came up behind me and held out a long, slender cigarette to me. Oh man. I just shook my head. "No thanks." Then he turned away and stomped off into the dark night. 

Yikes. The Humans. Wrapped a bit tight. Losing their shit. The theme of the moment.