Saturday, September 30, 2023

Yes... Never, Ever, Forget...

I wade into the political stream this morning. I do it reluctantly. Lately, our political discourse is so ugly, stupid, and corrosive. I am a Progressive Democrat who believes in Free and Fair Elections, in the Scientific Method, in Truth & Facts, in the reality of our unfortunate, Human-caused Climate Catastrophe, in the efficacy of Vaccines, in Human Rights for all.

I do think the National Press is failing us. They seem to want to convince us that Joe Biden is too old for the job he presently holds. They seem to forget that Joe is really, really, really good at the job he holds. Joe Biden's age is NOT the most important story to be mulling over, and worrying about, in the upcoming election in 2024.

Remember that Fat, Blubbering Idiot who lost the election in 2020, and then tried to stay in the White House, enlisting a bunch of henchmen & bootlicking minions, and hatched, and enacted, a plan to crash our democracy? You know, that Toxic Clown who has 91 indictments hanging over his head? Amazingly he's not in jail yet, the wheels of Justice grind really, really slowly. So, he's running around the country saying really, really stupid, toxic shit; trying to intimidate witnesses, and whipping up his followers to commit violence. Such a flood of shite, that it seems sensible folks, some of them press folks too, kind of get overwhelmed, their senses five seize up. They sort of treat the existential threat to our Democracy as quaint horse-race narrative. Mind-fucking-boggling.

And there is a still small, (hopefully getting smaller), lunatic segment of our country who think that Toxic Clown is just great. Those folks are truly, madly, deeply, seriously unwell.

I say, we must NEVER FORGET. 

The text below is excerpt from the latest filing from the Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, asking a D.C. Judge to gag that raging inferno of idiocy and toxic shite. 

Every day we should all remind each other this is an anti-democratic, lawless fraud of a man who inspired a bunch of slavering, brain-dead, MAGA-zombie fools, and racist, authoritarian-kiss-ass, creeps (many of them sitting in, or soon heading to jail), to attack the Capitol in D.C. This man is not an important person, he is just a common defendant, a man accused of very, very serious crimes.