Friday, September 29, 2023

Cultivate the Beauty...

"Paradise" - "a place or state of bliss, felicity, or delight."

Right on. 

"The word Paradise entered European languages from the Persian root word "Pardis", which was the name of a beautiful garden enclosed behind walls."

Of course. We can build these beautiful enclosed gardens in our backyards, our homes,  our bodies, our heads. We decide what can be let in, what must be kept out.

What is enclosed, protected and encouraged to grow behind the walls? What is left outside the walls? That is all up to us. We can, and must, cultivate our own safe spaces, our own little secret gardens. We must be the diligent care-takers, the busy gardeners, of our own little beautiful gardens.

The crazy-ass, always-on, sound & fury,  hurly-burly of the 24/7 world is exciting & entertaining, but it's also totally all-consuming, chaotic, and can be deeply corrosive.

Discernment. Discipline. It is up to us to cultivate the beauty and to let it grow & thrive.