Sunday, October 01, 2023

The Apotheosis of Groove & Rhythm...

Yesterday, we took a day off from  playing music and instead went to the movie palace to see other folks do their thing. We trekked to the big city to see the re-release showing of Talking Head's concert film "Stop Making Sense" (1983) vividly, luxuriously projected on the silver screen. It certainly made sense to us.

The film has never looked or sounded better. It's been digitized and remastered, and it's freaking glorious.

How sum it up? Thrilling. Fascinating. Inspiring. A band at it's finest. The apotheosis of "Groove and Rhythm."

Talking Heads are one of the seminal bands to emerge out of the New York, CBGB scene. They were there with other great bands in the 70's = The Ramones, The Patti Smith Group, Television, Blondie. 

David Byrne = the jittery, quirky leading man. All energy, all the time. I have always considered David Byrne an artist in all ways. He has a bit of a cracked and skewed vision. Meticulous in presentation. Brilliant. Head-opening. Funny too. The perfect compliment to the powerful groove machine band. 

It was a marvelous way to spend the late afternoon. A clearing. A boost of energy. Highly recommended.