Monday, September 25, 2023

True to the Vibes...

When we have a "successful" outing with our band, (like we did yesterday late afternoon, on the street in our hometown); with a good-sized, deeply-enthusiastic crowd, a fabulous lineup of acts, supremely well-played sets, $ for all the musicians, happy, beaming faces, and an all around feeling of happiness & good-cheer, the word that always bubbles up and wafts over us: VIBES. 

Yes. That's right. As in "good vibes." We are lucky beings who have on-going relationship with the vibes. It's a strange thing. You can't see vibes, but can feel them and absorb and embody them. The band, the players, the music, the songs, the lyrics, the location, the sound system, the gathering tribes, they are all just the set and setting for conjuring and luxuriating in the vibes. 

And it all just happens organically. You can't will the vibes to appear, they just show up and descend upon us all in the doing.


It's bigger than all of us, and includes all of us. We chalk it up to the power of music, creativity, and being alive in the moment; honoring life, love, doing the the thing you love to do with heart, head and soul all completely aligned, and a gathering of fellow beings open to experiencing and mirroring-back those same positive, healing vibes. It sounds heady, and trippy and maybe a bit "hippy-dippy."  Ha! SO BE IT! 

Yes. We must accept it. Our mission is to be true to the vibe, one note, one lyric, one song, one rehearsal, one show at at time. Be present. In the moment. There is a glimpse of eternity in that little moment where everything is true & possible. Yes. And, as always, damn the torpedos.