Sunday, September 24, 2023

Harpoon Dodger...

Neil Young once imagined himself as a salmon swimming upstream, and he wrote a song about it. It's kind of a hallucination, a vision.  Certainly one of Neil's strangest, weirdest songs, pretty great too, a song he recorded "alone in a single take on a two-track cassette tape, sitting in front of a fireplace playing acoustic guitar."  You can hear the crackling and popping of the logs as he sings. Amazing. 

Why is this song front of mind this morning? Often I feel like a salmon too, swimming upstream, against the current, against the odds. Yes, I too have the "will to love." Dodging harpoons daily...

"I remember the ocean 
from where I came 
Just one of millions all the same 
But somewhere someone calls my name 
I'm a harpoon dodger, and I can't, won't be tamed."