Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The "Resonance Theory of Consciousness..."

You know, you might think my last post (see previous post), is a bit "airy-fairy." Talking about the power of vibes, but then again, yesterday, I stumbled across this article from Scientific American: "The Hippies Were Right: It's All About the Vibrations,"  Which seems to validate my experience and intuition.

"Over the past decade, we have developed a “resonance theory of consciousness” that suggests that resonance—another word for synchronized vibrations—is at the heart of not only human consciousness but of physical reality more generally.

So how were the hippies right? Well, we agree that vibrations, resonance, are the key mechanism behind human consciousness, as well as animal consciousness more generally."

Right. Totally resonates with me. No doubt. And then there's this...

"Based on the observed behavior of the entities that surround us, from electrons to atoms to molecules to bacteria to paramecia to mice, bats, rats, etc., all things may be viewed as at least a little conscious. This sounds strange at first blush, but “panpsychism”—the view that all matter has some associated consciousness—is an increasingly accepted position with respect to the nature of consciousness."

So yeah, right on, Man. The Hippies were pretty much spot on when it comes to the power of vibes (see also Pete Townshend's Rock Opera about a little boy who reads the vibes)

Of course, the Hippies weren't right about everything, major misfires include: Tie-Dyed Clothes (too messy), Free Love (too messy), Taking massive quantities of Drugs (too messy), but for sure they were also right about the Power of Vibes & the Power of Peace, Love & Understanding!

Amen, Brothers & Sisters!