Monday, September 18, 2023

Party Time...

We went to a party on Saturday. It's kind of a funny ritual. If you haven't been to one in a while, and you don't drink alcohol any longer, (haven't had a drink in about a decade and a half),  it's kind of amazing to watch Human Beings gather together, drink to excess, and sort of unravel before your eyes. There is the ritual loosening of lips, psyches, and personalities. The music rages, the conversations get louder and more animated. If you are fully, completely, sober, clear-headed & clear-eyed, you can really watch the minutes roll out, as the room begins to tilt, and the Human Beings actively jolly themselves into a kind of mad, frenzy. Fun is not it's all cracked up to be. But, you know, maybe a party is an essential kind of unrobing? A metaphorical sacrifice and blood-letting? It certainly can be entertaining if you are are the sidelines. You can marvel at how Humans loosen up and intentionally unravel. If you didn't imbibe, the morning-after is much more agreeable. No fuzzy-headedness. No guilt. No existential crisis, no floundering or wondering: "What did I say? What did I do?" The storm has come and gone. Diamond-clear-consciousness was maintained. No brain-cells were sacrificed in the doing and undoing. Still, there is no sense, or reason, to indulge in idle judging of your fellow Humans. They were just doing their thing. A flurry of words. Conversations off the rails. A bit of jumping up and down, a few wildly unexpected moves, tapping on tables, clapping hands, clicking heels. Silly chatter. Mad-cap laughter. Lots of sound & fury signifying pretty much nothing. Party time.