Sunday, September 17, 2023

Gnarly Work in Progress...

Human Beings; can't live with them, can't live without them. 

My go-to working hypothesis, which I often invoke: Human Beings are Complicated, we are the Tricky Monkeys.

Not surprisingly, the great, prolific, singer-songwriter, Nick Cave puts it much more eloquently in his latest Red Hand Files post: 

"... the world is not divided into good and bad people, but rather it is made up of all manner of individuals, each broken in their own way, each caught up in the common human struggle and each having the capacity to do both terrible and beautiful things."


Nick sings about being on a "singular road," and really, well, aren't we all? Nick suggests adopting two key qualities: Humility & Curiosity. 

Amen. And as a flawed, and a distinctly, broken Human Being myself, I suggest not judging yourself or others too harshly. Shite. We can all do so much better. We are gnarly, complicated & contradictory beasts, and the world we find ourselves in is a grand, sprawling,  gnarly work in progress.

What to do? Lean to the light. Try to embody the best, and not the worst of our species.  Yes, it's a bizarre & temporary state we live in. We are here to see, and to actualize beauty and love. A worthy, noble cause, indeed. Damn the torpedos.