Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Hopeful and Sunny-Side Up...

Yes. It's true. Going to a party, and partying is not all it's cracked up to be (see previous post). It didn't totally throw me into a major existential crisis, but it did throw me into a minor one. The line from a Steely Dan song that stuck in my craw over the last two days: "Any world that I'm welcome to, is better than the one I come from." 

Yes. Exactly. 

I was still sort of reeling yesterday. Being in close proximity to lots of folks in close quarters actually put me on tilt; I mean it was all a bit disorienting and disheartening.  We know some intelligent, funny, creative folks, but most of the chitter-chatter via party-time was snarky, deflating, and unknowing. There was a hard & cold vision of hanging over us all.

Maybe it's the times we live in. Hell, I can sling the snark with the best of them, but marinating in it was quite off-putting. I realize I am much more hopeful and sunny-side up than most of the folks we know. I realized I am so out of step with so many folks. It is so easy to be unhappy, to criticize, and to tear down anyone who floats a bit of hope and initiative.

It's usually best when we submerge in a creative project. Especially when we play music. No time to talk, no time to complain or to make fun of the ways of the world.

Maybe it's all about tone? Yes, the world is a funny, strange, weird place. We should try to find the humor in our situation, but the humor is best when it is self-directed. The making fun & tearing down of others is just so deflating and ugly. It is a lacerating and self-lacerating thing. 

It's probably based in fear and a general unhappiness.  Yikes. I say damn the torpedos & lean to the light. I mean, that's the way to party!