Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Be the Blade...

One thing I constantly do: I monitor my own internal landscape. I am, and I surmise we all are, raging, overflowing volcanos and out of control, madly-swirling tornados. I seem to be always swimming in crazy-ass thoughts, unbidden, unquenchable feelings, hard to pin down emotions. I am constantly managing the storms of unknowing and of un-being deep inside.

That's just the way it is. Part of the standard-issue kit-bag of being Human.

There is an internal monologue always rolling out. Shit bubbles up. And you swat at the those bubbles, or try to corral them. Often they burst on their own.

On the outside, day to day, I appear to be cool, calm, collected. As they say: Still waters run deep.

Last night, in deep sleep I did receive a message. Words bubbled up in my head, even-though I was sleeping soundly like a happy little Pilgrim.

"Sharpen Up." 

Hah. I took it to be an insightful phrase of encouragement. Think of a blade, a knife, a handy swiss-army type of implement, or a flashy razor; strong, sharp, glinting like lightening in the darkling, fading light. 

"I'm like a flashing laser and a rolling thunder
I'm dangerous
I'm like a stepping razor
Don't you watch my size
I'm dangerous, dangerous

Treat me good
If you wanna live
You better treat me good"

Ha. I mean, I think the message is "Be the sharpened blade that is never used."  Right. Sharp. Bright. Strong.