Thursday, September 21, 2023

Transcendence in the Doing...

Another musical session yesterday, 3 of us, playing songs in our rehearsal studio. A guitarist, a drummer, a percussionist. Super-percussive & drum-heavy. We ran thru songs with a distinct, propulsive, groove. We made a loud & unholy racket; original, organic, homemade. Two voices pushing out from the P.A. speakers & floating above the bedlam & mayhem; little clouds of hope & wonder.

We are certainly diligent, persistent, determined & disciplined. Stubborn in our creative doing. Willing to do the work, no questions asked, no quarter given. We are rehearsing for two concerts this weekend. One a very private concert, and one a very public one. Best not to think too far ahead. We make plans, lay down markers, damn the torpedos.

The doing, the playing, the attending to the good work, is really the thing. 

There is a deep yearning, usually buried deep inside us, to make something "beautiful & great," but really that's never verbalized or stated out in the world, best to keep it under the radar. Floating that kind of sentiment brings out the sharks, the smiling, glad-handing folks who want to crush you, and your wispy dreams, to destroy your little transparent bubbles of creativity & hope, like pesky insects. 

We have always been ambitious, maybe sometimes overly-ambitious, in our own way. Always creating new work. Always trying to make it the best it can be.  All we do, all we can do, is what we do. 

The questions we hesitate to float: Is it good, is it beautiful, is it great, will it touch people, will it last? 

Who knows?! Fruitless, maybe even counterproductive questions. Really of no use when you are doing the work. The doing is it. Approaching the creative impulse with heart, head, soul totally aligned; truly, madly, deeply. Fully engaged in the moment. Open to the flashes of transcendence in the doing.