Wednesday, June 28, 2023

We Didn't Prevent, We Must Adapt...

One of my "mystical insights," yes, I have had a few, is that "everything is connected" / "everything counts." I say mystical insight, because these ideas came to me in a state of heightened awareness, a state where it seemed these things were revealed to me, and I lived them, not that I just made them up myself. Now, of course, I could be mistaken, maybe I did make it all up, but, you know, you experience the experience you experience.

Yesterday, that insight was in the air. Literally, in the air, and all around us. The daylight was dimmed, the temps dipped, the air-quality was rated "bad, dangerous, extremely unhealthy."  Suddenly breathing itself was a dangerous thing. Distant forest fires raging in Ontario, Canada, meant smoky, toxic, air-currents here in a small town on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Usually the air-currents coming from the North are cooler, clearer, invigorating. Yesterday they were stifling, oppressive, unhealthy. I did my usual rounds, navigated the day, in a sort of dizzy haze. Yikes. Welcome to the new normal. Yes. Of course. This is all a result of our Human-Made-Climate-Catastrophe. Anyone telling you otherwise is an Idiot.

A friend on the sidewalk told me her little home-town in Texas was experiencing 120 degree temps yesterday. Another sign. Connected. Right?!  Sure. 

Some folks just ignored it all. They buried their heads in the toxic clouds. Some of us were consumed by sadness and wonder. "Maybe someone should do something?" "How could we let this happen?" "Who knew?" We all knew. And we let it come down anyway. We didn't PREVENT  and now we have to ADAPT. We trashed the place, and now we all must cope with it.

We truly are the Tricky Monkeys. TRICKED!